April 8, 2007 @ 9:38 pm
· Filed under Technology
So, I have been playing with Twitter the last couple of days, and I have become completely addicted. If you want to see how boring my life is, you can check it out here. As a more useful use of Twitter, I played around with the API, and you can now track the postings from ZDNet blogs on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ZDNetBlogs.
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March 27, 2007 @ 4:04 pm
· Filed under Technology
So, one of the things that I find annoying about my Mac is the lack of an insert key. Luckily, I ran across this tip somewhere (I can’t find the link any more). Function+M is the insert key on the Mac. Also, Function+Period is the delete key.
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March 27, 2007 @ 3:09 pm
· Filed under Technology
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March 6, 2007 @ 5:30 pm
· Filed under Technology
I was interviewed yesterday by a reporter from the Sydney Morning Herald for a profile of Matt Mullenwegg he is writing.. Don’t worry Matt, I said nice things only :). He also asked a few questions about our use of open-source, Google, and some other related topics. Now, I just have to wait to see how it comes out in print.
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March 3, 2007 @ 5:31 pm
· Filed under Technology
We finally moved the new BNET out of beta yesterday. I have to say that it is the best looking site that I have ever been associated with.
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August 11, 2006 @ 10:58 pm
· Filed under Technology
I attended WordCamp last weekend, and took a bunch of bad pictures with my cell phone. You can see them here.
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March 1, 2006 @ 9:37 pm
· Filed under Technology
this month, that I first used a computer. It was in a school computer lab, and it was a DEC PDP-7. No video terminal, just endless streams of perforated paper. The language we learned was Basic, and when I look at my code, I sometimes get the feeling that I never really got past that. Anyway, if you had told me then,that I would still be working with computers, I never would have believed it.
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February 22, 2006 @ 2:03 am
· Filed under Technology
There is lots of PHP hatred on the web. It doesn’t seem to matter that some of the biggest sites on the web run PHP, including Yahoo and CNET’s own Gamespot: PHP still doesn’t get any respect. Anyway, for all PHP lovers out there, here’s two excellent defenses of PHP: Why PHP Scales – A Cranky, Snarky Answer and A pro-php-rant.
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February 10, 2006 @ 2:37 am
· Filed under Technology
If he’s not attacking Linux, he must be doing a price comparison between Macs and PCs
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