March, 2007

Shift-Insert on the Mac

March 27, 2007 @ 4:04 pm · Filed under Technology

So, one of the things that I find annoying about my Mac is the lack of an insert key. Luckily, I ran across this tip somewhere (I can’t find the link any more). Function+M is the insert key on the Mac. Also, Function+Period is the delete key.

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Matt Mullenwegg Profile

March 27, 2007 @ 3:09 pm · Filed under Technology

The profile of Matt Mullenwegg for which I was interviewed is now available online. You can see it at either the Sydney Morning Herald or The Age (Brisbane). Dan Skeen, the author gives me a shout-out at his blog

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First Softball Games of the Year

March 25, 2007 @ 8:51 pm · Filed under Reality

Kanchan on Deck

Kanchan on Deck

Mallika at Bat

Mallika at Bat

Kanchan at Bat

Kanchan at Bat

It was a beautiful day for the first games of the year.

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R2D2 Mailbox Outside Caltrain Station in San Francisco

March 21, 2007 @ 3:00 pm · Filed under Reality

R2D2 Mailbox

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Interview For Sydney Morning Herald

March 6, 2007 @ 5:30 pm · Filed under Technology

I was interviewed yesterday by a reporter from the Sydney Morning Herald for a profile of Matt Mullenwegg he is writing.. Don’t worry Matt, I said nice things only :). He also asked a few questions about our use of open-source, Google, and some other related topics. Now, I just have to wait to see how it comes out in print.

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BNET Is Live

March 3, 2007 @ 5:31 pm · Filed under Technology

We finally moved the new BNET out of beta yesterday. I have to say that it is the best looking site that I have ever been associated with.

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