Defense Procurement News
December 22, 2007 @ 8:14 pm · Filed under Technology
I’ve been working on a new site called Defense Procurement News with my brother Dag. Please check it out.
December 22, 2007 @ 8:14 pm · Filed under Technology
I’ve been working on a new site called Defense Procurement News with my brother Dag. Please check it out.
December 19, 2007 @ 9:15 pm · Filed under Technology
You can tell Twitter has arrived when writers like Michael Krigman start arguing that it is a danger to corporate information security. In a post titled Twitter is Dangerous, Michael Krigman states that “Twitter is rapidly becoming a serious threat to corporate information protection.” For example, he suggests a person twittering during a meeting could release valuable information to thousands of people. His solution, IT should “be prepared to strongly enforce information-sharing policies. If confidential information is being shared, even innocently, question the judgment of the sharer.” Having read a lot of tweets, I’m not sure information sharing is the main issue corporations should have with Twitter. I think it’s much much more likely to cause HR issues
December 19, 2007 @ 3:22 pm · Filed under Technology
Check out the comments on this (non) story entitled ZDNet Forcing IPhone Users to Dumbed Down Mobile Website on Mac Daily News. The conspiracy theories, interlaced with abuse, are just insane. As usual, there’s also massive confusion between Ziff-Davis and ZDNet, but I’m used to that. Sometimes, I just despair.
December 12, 2007 @ 9:40 am · Filed under Technology
Currently, I am the 23rd result on Google for the query “collapse of an empire lessons for modern russia.” I know this, because it drove a referral to this blog. Shows the power of Google.
November 19, 2007 @ 1:04 pm · Filed under Technology
I love twitter (see my twitter), but I’d love it more if it was easier to pull out the old posts. While thinking about this, I’ve registered until I come up with a business plan.
May 1, 2007 @ 12:16 am · Filed under Technology
Check out this video on ZDNet.
April 26, 2007 @ 2:20 am · Filed under Technology
As Philip Elmer-Dewitt points out, Mac sales soared in Q1. This was mostly due to laptop sales. I’m part of this soaring, because I bought a MacBook recently. Why did I finally choose a Mac over Windows? One reason was that my kids use Macs at school. Another was that I don’t do Windows development anymore. The main reason, though, was that I took a look at Vista and decided it was too much trouble to go through the upgrade. Moreover, I couldn’t save money by buying a Windows laptop, because Vista’s requirements meant that I had to buy a higher-end laptop to run it. So, the Mac won out.
April 26, 2007 @ 2:12 am · Filed under Technology
I just spent two very enjoyable days at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara. My take on the conference has been published on ZDNet by Dan Farber in this post: MySQL’s success leads to customer frustration. The headline is Dan’s, not mine, though I concur with the sentiment.
April 20, 2007 @ 3:41 pm · Filed under Technology
Scoble has another post on the subject of full-text RSS vs. partial-text RSS in which he argues that major sites like ZDNet would gain more than they lose by offering full-text feeds. I think he just doesn’t understand the economics of running a major content site. Scoble could link to ZDNet every day and it still wouldn’t affect the traffic. He is just too small a fish in the internet pond. Meanwhile, splogging of ZDNet content is already a problem that is causing us pain, and probably hurting us in Google. Full-text RSS would just make that Google problem worse, and would probably cost more traffic than ZDNet would gain from Scoble’s increased willingness to link.
April 17, 2007 @ 7:29 pm · Filed under Technology
So, I am not the most prolific blogger anyway, but I have become even less likely to blog now that I have Twitter. Most of what I have to say is more suited to 140 characters than to a blog entry.