June, 2010


June 30, 2010 @ 8:01 am · Filed under Culture

Frozen Cherry Blossoms in the Snow

False Spring 1

Too close to my end

You awoke feelings long dead

Best we never met

False Spring 2

A single branch

blooms amidst the frost

Then, freezes

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SemTech 2010

June 24, 2010 @ 2:49 pm · Filed under Technology

I’ve been attending the Semantic Technology 2010 conference this week. My attendance has only solidified my belief that RDF is the data format of the future for the web. There is a constantly increasing amount of unstructured data available on the web, and RDF provides the easiest way to pull it all together and relate it. For more on SemTech, go to the SemTech website.

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