A while ago, Techmeme was abuzz with Michael Arrington’s plan to crush CNET. So, using the Techmeme leaderboard, I decided to look at the relative influence of the two brands. On the surface, TechCrunch is in the lead with a 7.01% presence to News.com’s 4.44%. However, if you add up all the CNET entries and compare them to the combination of TechCrunch and CrunchGear, you will see that CNET is in the lead with a 10.54% presence versus TC/CG’s 7.21%. Now, that’s still pretty good for TechCrunch, but I think it’s a good indication that CNET is nowhere near as irrelevant to conversation on the web as a lot of people like to think. For reference, here’s all the CNET properties that made the leaderboard, and their presence percentage:
- News.com 4.44%
- Webware 0.93%
- Between The Lines 0.86%
- The Social 0.71%
- Beyond Binary 0.57%
- All about Microsoft 0.56%
- Outside the Lines 0.5%
- One More Thing 0.46%
- Geek Gestalt 0.31%
- Crave 0.3%
- Googling Google 0.3%
- Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report 0.21%
- Zero Day 0.21%
- ZDNet 0.18%